Driving direction from Burnsville, MN to Aurora, IL, road route between two cities

Start point: Burnsville,MN

Destination: Aurora,IL

Driving distance: 406.19 mi

The travel time between the USA cities 5 hr 59 min

Driving map from Burnsville, MN to Aurora, IL

More about route from Burnsville to Aurora

Distance between Burnsville and Aurora 406.19 mi

If you use miles as a unit of length than - the distance from Burnsville to Aurora is four hundred and six miles.

Travel time from Burnsville to Aurora by road is 5 hours 59 minutes

The road trip out of Burnsville to Aurora will take approximately five hours fifty-nine minutes if you drive with average speed and the absence of accidents and traffic jams

Road details

Start city: Burnsville

Service temporary unavailable

Destination: Aurora

This week Aurora, IL events

Burnsville, MN - Aurora, IL details:

How far is Burnsville from Aurora?

Watch distance between Burnsville and Aurora

Check flight route:

Flight from Burnsville to Aurora

What is return direction?

Reverse direction Burnsville - Aurora

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