The flight time to Broken Arrow from Deer Park is 51 minutes . This is approximate direct flying time, and include average plane speed 510 miles per hour. Total flight distance between Deer Park, TX and Broken Arrow, OK is about four hundred and forty miles or seven hundred and nine km. Real time can be different, and depends on the time of day, the type of aircraft, and can be significantly longer if there are transplants during the flight.
Flying time is about 51 minutes
Select arrival and departure cities, current are Deer Park, TX and OK
This flight will take about fifty-one minutes ;
You can buy ticket to plane or drive by car, check ; distance in miles between Deer Park and Broken Arrow
Aircraft | Cruising speed | Time |
Average | 510 mph | 51 min |
Boeing 737 | 515 mph | 51 min |
Boeing 777 | 554 mph | 47 min |
Airbus | 515 mph | 51 min |
Dont forget to include time in airport before and after flight.
Country | USA |
State | Texas |
City | Deer Park, TX |
Latitude | 29.70523 |
Longitude | -95.12382 |
Country | USA |
State | Oklahoma |
City | Broken Arrow, OK |
Latitude | 36.0526 |
Longitude | -95.79082 |
Please note: current air time calculator show approximate distance and time between cities Deer Park, TX and Broken Arrow, OK. This values can be different if you flight from airports in this cities. To calculate exact time can be shown only when you buy ticket to the plane. We do not guarantee that there is an airline that connects city Deer Park and Broken Arrow. To find out if there is such a flight use the ticket purchase service.