US Mapper - United States travel services

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United States of America

US Mapper is a service where you can get maps of US, big cities and all 50 states. Here you can build directions and find distances between the cities of USA. This is a main page where you can find capitals of states. Except driving directions map and street finder here is also panoramas of cities. US Mapper help to find the biggest cities and navigate between them.

United States on the World Map

Where is United States? United States of America is a country located in the Western hemisphere, on the continent of North America. USA consists of the 48 adjoining States in the continental part and 2 States without borders with the rest: Alaska - huge Peninsula, on the North-Western part of the continent of North America, and the Islands of Hawaii in the Pacific ocean. In addition, the United States includes some territories in the Caribbean (Puerto Rico, US virgin Islands, etc.), the Pacific (American Samoa, Guam, etc.) and non-state district of Columbia.

US States Map

How many States in the US? In the US exactly 50 States. It is not specifically selected an excellent number of States, it is the result of numerous historical events. Initially at the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the United States, the new country consisted of 13 colonies that became the first 13 States of the USA. These were: Virginia, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Further, the result of wars, purchases and voluntary accession, joined the rest of the States. Most State names come from the names of the Indian tribes and the names of the kings of England and France. The US consists of 50 States which are equal subjects of the Federation, the Federal district of Columbia and dependent territories. Each state has its own Constitution, legislature, Executive and judiciary. Depending on which of the regions of the United States is one or the other state, there are North-Eastern States, States of the Midwest, the South and the States of the West.

USA travel and tourism

In the United States created excellent conditions for tourism. Annually the country is visited by 30 - 40 million people. Here You can choose to sightseeing tours, beach vacation in Hawaii or in Florida, cruises to the Caribbean, a ski holiday at resorts in Colorado and California. You can visit the Disneyland Park, world game center Las-Vegas, the world famous city of new York or Los-Angeles. In the US, a lot of monuments and unique nature, such as the Grand canyon of the Colorado river, Niagara falls, the great salt lake... In the United States 50 national parks. The most famous of them - Yellowstone, Yosemite, Sequoia, Glacier, Grand canyon, Colorado in the West and the Great Smoky Mountains in Appalachian.

Short US history

Although the United States as an independent country was formed relatively recently, after the Declaration of independence in 1776, this area was a long prehistory. In these areas lived tribes of Indians. The first settlement founded by the English, appeared in 1607. It was located on the Eastern coast of the present United States. The British needed a short period to establish several more settlements and to build a colony subject to the British crown. In 1775, the Americans, who had already formed their own national consciousness, felt himself strong enough, and during the war were able to defend their independence from great Britain. In 1783 Britain was forced to recognize the sovereignty of its former colony. The U.S. Constitution was adopted in 1787, and is still intact, but today it is supplemented by a large number of amendments. In the mid-19th century, the country erupted into civil war, the result was the liberation of black people from slavery and equal rights of all Americans. By the end of the 19th century it became the most advanced in the world. United States participated in both world wars against Germany and its allies, however, in the history of this country there are black pages. For the first time American planes dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Modern United States of America is the 4th largest country, and the population is over 320 million people. The United States actively influences the situation in the world. And the local currency - American dollar, is the most common in the world.

US Geographical Facts

The largest US state is Alaska. (1717854 sq. km.);
The smallest US state is Rhode island. (4005 sq. km.);
The largest population of a US state is California (36 million people);
The least populous US state is Wyoming (half a million people);
The size of the US - 9 million sq km (4th in world) ;
US coastline - 19 924 km;
The highest point is Mount McKinley, Alaska (6194 m);
The lowest point - Death Valley, California (-86 m);
Border - 12 217 km (Canada 8 893 km, Mexico 3 326 km);